e-BioGrid momentum 2012 17 December
e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences: State of affairs.
Time: 13h - 17h
Language: English.
Participation: free. Please send an email to e-BioGrid if you would like to participate.
Location: Science Park Amsterdam Details follow
The e-BioGrid project is part of the BiG Grid project to establish an e-infrastructure for life sciences. Life sciences today deals with data-intensive and high-throughput experimentation that requires an e-infrastructure in terms of computing, storage, data transfers and sharing. Since 2010 the e-BioGrid project established this e-infrastructure by providing the support and developing portals or ported life science applications giving life scientists and bioinformaticians access to the e-infrastructure of BiG Grid.
We will present the results of the e-BioGrid project of the past 2.5 years. The project will finish December 31th, but, as part of the e-BioGrid success, the life science specific support and development of the e-infrastructure will be continued within SURFsara and its e-infrastructure partners.
13.00 - 13.30u Welcome reception. Coffee/tea.
13.30 - 13.40u Introduction and e-BioGrid results. e-BioGrid e-core team
13.40 - 14.00u Next generation sequencing, metagenomics. Sacha van Hijum & Jumamurat Bayjanov (CMBI)
14.00 - 14.20u Next generation sequencing, Breeding Potato with BiG Grid. Richard Finkers & Benoit Carreres (WU)
14.20 - 14.40u Biobanking. Morris Swertz & Pieter Neerinx & George Byelas (UMCG/BBMRI)
14.40 - 15.00u Coffee/tea break
15.00 - 15.20u Microarray technology. Timo Breit & Wim de Leeuw & Linda Bakker (UvA)
15.20 - 15.40u Mass spectrometry. Theo Reijmers & Mahdi Jaghoori (UL/NMC).
15.40 - 16.00u Nanoscopy. Fons Verbeek & Floris Sicking (UL/NeCEN).
16.00 - 16.20u Medical Imaging. Silvia Delgado Olabarriaga & Mark Santcroos (AMC).
16.20 - 16.40u Concluding remarks including ad-hoc projects and future. e-BioGrid e-core team.
16.40 - 18.00u Drinks
This seminar is supported by BiG Grid and NBIC.